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BPC 157 Peptide Benefits: Can It Help Your Gut?

Writer's picture: Marcie Vaske, MS, LN, CNSMarcie Vaske, MS, LN, CNS

Hi, and welcome back to our channel.

Today we're going to be talking about a peptide and a very special peptide called BPC 157 and talking about the benefits as well as answering the question is how does it help your gut health?

So first we'll run through what actually is this peptide, and then understanding how it can help our gut.

We'll talk about how it works in the gut and then how you can explore using BPC 157. You can do injectables, we'll talk about that.

We'll talk about different forms and helping you choose the best peptide for your gut health.

[Video Transcript Below + Supplement Links Discussed In Video]

But before we begin, my name is Marcie Vaske and I'm a licensed nutritionist with Flusso Nutrients and at Flusso Nutrients, we bring a variety of different supplements to light to share and educate more about supplements and how they can best support you.

Always talk to a supplement literate practitioner if you have questions regarding if it's something best for you or not. So this information is just to share and educate, not to diagnose and say that you need it.

So without further ado, let's jump back into our topic today, which is

BPC 157 Peptide and can it help your gut?

Now we have been learning more and more about peptides in recent years, and many of you are very familiar with the peptide GLP one, and that is the semaglutide which are supporting weight loss. But today we're going to take another trip down peptide lane and talk about BPC 157. And this is a significant peptide that's been really found in research and clinically to help many people.

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So first, what is BPC 157 Peptide?

It's also called Body Protecting Compound 157. And what it is, is it's a synthetic peptide derived from our gastrointestinal system. And this compound has been found to have numerous positive benefits for in clinical trials, but in the way of supporting our gut health.

BPC 157 Peptide Benefits

Now, understanding the gut benefits of BP 157 is that it helps obviously in our gut, it comes from our gut. So as we know, the gut is very complex and this peptide is very important for the absorption and digestion of our food as well as regulating our immune system.

So first, before we talk about how BPC 157 works to support our gut health, we need to understand what are the benefits of our gut. And we know that our gut is very complex and it helps to digest, absorb our nutrients.

It helps to improve our immune system, keeping it healthy and strong, as well as maintaining a healthy microbiome. And we need all of these things to have a healthy gut. And so when our gut is compromised, which we talk a lot about on this channel, we oftentimes end up with symptoms.

So now that we know a little bit about the gut and how important it is, which you probably knew anyway,

How does BPC 157 support our gut?

And it's been found that this peptide can help to regenerate or keep the integrity of our gut lining good, which is very important when we talk about leaky gut.

This is where the integrity of our gut or our gut lining has become inflamed and we're having issues of different toxins getting into our bloodstream. BPC 157 also helps to absorb nutrients and to keep out toxins from our intestinal tract. So by using a peptide like BPC 157, we're improving our microbiome because it's reducing the load of toxins and it's also keeping that gut integrity healthy and strong.

Conditions BPC 157 May Help With

So now that we kind of know how BPC 157 works, what would that work best for? Different symptoms. So one would be healing ulcers and repairing. So if you think about any tissue in our stomach that might have an ulcer or even in our intestinal tract, having ulcers using a peptide like this can help heal the tissue. Also with the management of inflammatory bowel disease, BPC 157 has been helpful in reducing inflammation and also keeping those symptoms alleviated.

Now, in addition to those things, BPC 157 also has shown positive results in the motility of our intestinal tract. So if you're someone who is struggling with constipation or even diarrhea, that's just an imbalance in our intestinal tract peristalsis. And so we want to help with BPC 157 can help manage that and balance that back out again, giving you a bowel movement that you would want once a day or twice a day.

Additional Benefits of BPC 157

In addition to balancing out the movement of our intestinal tract, it also helps to support inflammation as I talked about earlier with inflammatory bowel disease. Bringing down inflammation is another key factor and support of BPC 157 as well as increasing antioxidants and antioxidants are going to be very important in our body overall to help keep out free radicals and keep our cells strong and healthy.

How to Use BPC 157 Peptide

Now, if you're thinking, oh, this is really interesting and I might want to try it, but how do I do this? BPC 157 and other peptides are oftentimes given through injection, but there are other ways through pills and capsule form which have been shown to work just as well. And not only do they work well, but it's also a lot of times just more convenient and more people are apt to be consistent with doing capsules or in pill form versus injections.

If you're thinking about doing any peptide and this BP 157 sounds like something that would be really helpful for you, it is still beneficial to speak with or work with a healthcare practitioner who understands peptides and can give you the proper dosing. Really wanted to bring this to light today because it is something that has been shown to be so helpful for gut health, and we all know that our guts always need a little bit of support.

Final Thoughts on BPC 157 and Gut Health

So in the future, or if you're thinking about doing this particular peptide, I would encourage you to work with a healthcare practitioner. And if you choose not to, just be very mindful about the product that you're purchasing, you want to make sure you're getting it from a reputable manufacturer and looking for just the same things you would with another supplement of any sort where we talk about third party tested, good manufacturing practices stamped on the container, and just doing a little bit of research behind it before you just jump into doing peptides or supplements of anything for that matter.

So I hope this helped give you a little bit more information about peptides and the world of peptides. They are very, very helpful. They can be so healing and if you are struggling with gut health, this particular peptide could be an answer to really supporting getting your health back.

So thanks for watching. I'm going to link a couple types of different peptides down below of BPC 157 and they are in capsule form. So these are a good place to start if you're interested and feel that you have enough information behind it for you to start trying it.

And so feel free to link on those supplements and see what you think. And if you have questions, please reach out to us. You can always leave comments in the comments below. We're happy to answer and give feedback.

So again, thanks for watching us today and we'll see you next week.

Check out the high-quality supplements we discussed in this video - links below for your convenience!

1) BPC - 157 Delayed Pro: create an account here, then search the name "BPC - 157 Delayed Pro" -

2) BPC - 157 Rapid Pro: create an account here, then search the name "BPC - 157 Rapid Pro" -

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