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Molds are very common both indoors and outdoors, and unfortunately mold exposure as well as mycotoxin related health issues are often overlooked and can be really difficult to identify whether you're dealing with toxic black mold illness or just general mold related health issues. Incorporating specific supplements into your regimen can be really helpful in helping the body's natural detoxification processes.
So in today's video we'll be discussing what is mold and what are the risk factors.
What are symptoms of mold exposure or illness?
What are the essential steps in addressing mold exposure?
What are five mold detox supplements that could be helpful?
And lastly, what are some additional strategies to help with detoxification?
I'm Katie Bailey. I'm a registered dietitian at Flusso Nutrients where we provide supplement education and professional quality supplement options for you to give the world nutrition supplements a little bit easier to navigate.
As always, be sure to check with your main nutrition literate healthcare provider before starting anything new. As we can't know your full medical history to provide a personalized recommendation.
So without further ado, let's jump into today's topic.
[Video Transcript Below + Supplement Links Discussed In Video]
What is mold and what are the risk factors?
So molds are fungi that thrive in warm, moist, and human environments. And the one that we generally hear the most about is called black mold, but mold can present in many different colors including yellow, green, brown, and white. And these molds can also have a significant impact on our health.
There are estimated to be hundreds of thousands of different species of mold, and a majority of them we can actually live in harmony with and they cause very minimal issues. But there are about 200 species or so that are known to potentially cause serious health issues. And these molds are known as toxic molds because they produce compounds called mycotoxins. Two mycotoxins that you may be familiar with are Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A.
Now we are exposed to mold and mycotoxins all the time, but not everyone will experience issues or symptoms after an exposure. Individuals that are at higher risk of health related issues following exposure include those that have a preexisting respiratory condition, living in a humid environment that has poor ventilation or just having extra moisture in your home at work or in your car, having a suppressed immune system, having a genetic susceptibility or a family history of reactivity to mold. And then lastly, having poor detoxification pathways.
What are symptoms of mold exposure or illness?
So mold exposure can lead to a variety of different health issues ranging from respiratory conditions to cognitive difficulties. And symptoms are going to vary depending on the person, but they can affect almost every system in the body. Now these symptoms are often misdiagnosed because they do overlap with a lot of other medical conditions. So some common symptoms we see with mold exposure or illness include brain fog and cognitive difficulties, depression and anxiety, chronic fatigue, numbness and tingling in the extremities, headaches and dizziness, trouble sleeping, muscle weakness or joint pain, digestive issues or food sensitivities, eczema or rashes, and then also chronic sinus congestion.
What are the essential steps in addressing mold?
The first thing that you want to do is you want to identify and eliminate or reduce the exposure. You want to try to test the suspected environment for mold. There are many different ways of doing this, either yourself or you can hire a mold inspector to come out and look as well. And once you find where the mold exposure is coming from, you want to remediate as soon as possible.
You also want to make sure to keep humidity indoors less than 60% and to fix any leaks as soon as possible or wipe up any wet material as quickly as you possibly can when you notice it because mold can grow in as little as two days. Now foods can also be a cause of exposure or can just contribute to the overall mycotoxin load. There are many foods that are contaminated with mold or can be contaminated with mold including fruit, coffee, nuts and grains and rice.
And so these foods may need to be avoided or you may need to find alternatives.
The next step in addressing mold exposure is to support our detoxification pathways, specifically our liver and our gut. So there are foods and supplements that can help us do that, and we'll be talking about that here in a little bit, but also sweating. So sweating either through exercise or using a sauna can be really helpful.
Also, supporting lymphatic drainage by either jumping or dry brushing can be really helpful, but you also want to be making sure that you're having daily bowel movements because bowel movements is how we get rid of toxins from the body. And then the last step is we want to bind and eliminate the mycotoxins from the body. And so we have supplements and binders that can be really helpful in doing this. And that's what we're going to be talking about next.
What are five mold detox supplements that might be helpful?
The first two supplements that I want to talk about are for liver support specifically. So the first is glutathione. So glutathione is known as our body's master antioxidant. It plays a crucial role in the liver's detoxification process, and mycotoxins can potentially affect the concentrations of glutathione in the body. It's helpful in combating oxidative stress caused by mold and supports cellular protection.

Now the one that I like is liposomal glutathione from Designs for Health. This is a great option because if it's liposomal, it's going to allow for better absorption and you want to hold this formula for 30 seconds in your mouth before swallowing. And this also comes in a lemon peppermint flavor, which is really nice.
The next supplement that I like for liver support is detoxification factors from integrative therapeutics. Now this is a combination supplement of over 30 ingredients that are supportive for our body's phase one and phase two detoxification. So things like milk thistle, turmeric, NAC, glycine and trine. Now those are specifically very helpful in bile formation and we know that bile is what helps bind to those toxins so that we can get rid of it out of the body. So now that we've worked on supporting our detoxification pathways, the next thing we want to do is to eliminate those mycotoxins.
So there are a couple supplements that I like for this. The first one is mold detox from Apex energetics, and this is just supporting a healthy balance of fungi in the body using antifungals like oregano oil and caprylic acid. It's very gentle. It's one capsule one to two times a day. You haven't done this before or you're just starting out. You may want to do a gentle formula like that.
And then the other supplement I really like for this is from Biocide and Botanicals.
Now they have two different formulas. They have a broad spectrum liquid and a liposomal formula, and both of these formulas have 18 botanical extracts and essential oils. The liquid formula is meant to target the entire GI tract while the liposomal formula is meant to reach systemically.
Now, both of these formulas do work great, but they are very strong and often dosages need to be closely monitored and adjusted based on client's symptoms. So if this is something that you're interested in trying, I would highly recommend that you either work with us or another practitioner to make sure that you're getting the support you need through this process.
Now the last supplement I want to talk about is a binder. So binders are substances that attach to toxins in the body, helping to prevent them from being reabsorbed during the detox process.
Now the one I really like is also from Biocidin Botanicals. It's called GI Detox and it contains binders like activated charcoal and zeolite as well as detoxification agents that help to clear the mycotoxins from the body. Now this should be taken one to two hours away from any food supplements or medications as it can interfere with absorption. And then lastly, like any binder, a binder can really cause a lot of constipation when taken long-term. So it's important to make sure to be drinking plenty of water when you're taking it.
What additional strategies can help with detoxification?
The first one is making sure you're getting enough fiber in your diet. So fiber is going to help to bind those toxins and move them out of the body. You also be sure to be drinking plenty of water, like I mentioned before, to help flush out these toxins, but also to help promote regular bowel movements, incorporate more foods that help to support detoxification pathways, things like cruciferous vegetables, which contain se fore dandelion tea, citrus fruits or vitamin C beets, turmeric and leafy greens.
You also want to work on supporting your gut health so there are beneficial microbes that can actually aid in the removal of mycotoxins from the body. And then lastly, sweating. So sweating either through exercise or asana or taking Epsom salt baths can all be really helpful in your detoxification pathways as well.
To wrap up our topic for today,
Addressing mold exposure requires a comprehensive approach. That includes identifying the source of the mold and removing it as quick as possible, supporting the body's detoxification pathways as well as binding in eliminating mycotoxins from the body. Now, mold related health issues can be very debilitating for many individuals, and the process for getting rid of mold in the body can be very challenging and complex. If you're experiencing the symptoms we discussed today and you're not sure if they are related to mold, I would highly recommend that you work with a practitioner that can help determine the best course of action for you, including different dosages or supplements.
And also the monitoring as supplements can have side effects and everybody responds to things differently. The supplements I mentioned today are great options and I will have them linked below. But it's important to understand that you may need to have a more specific protocol or a more tailored approach depending on your situation. And if that's something that sounds like you, we would be happy to assist you with that.
That's it for today's video. If you like this video, please hit the like button and subscribe for more nutrition videos. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions related to mold or mold detox. If you're interested in working with our clinic, you could click the link here schedule an appointment. We do take insurance and you can find more information about that on our website.
Thank you for watching. I'll see you next time. Bye.
Check out the high-quality supplements we discussed in this video - links below for your convenience!
1) Liposomal Glutathione by Designs for Health: create an account here, then search the name "Liposomal Glutathione by Designs for Health" - https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/flussonutrients
2) Detoxification Factors by Integrative Therapeutics: create an account here, then search the name "Detoxification Factors by Integrative Therapeutics" - https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/flussonutrients
3) Moldetox by Apex Energetics: create an account here, then search the name "Moldetox by Apex Energetics" - https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/flussonutrients
4) Biocidin Botanicals Broad Spectrum Liquid Formula: create an account here, then search the name "Biocidin Botanicals Broad Spectrum Liquid Formula" - https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/flussonutrients
5) Biocidin Botanicials Biocidin LSF Lisposomal Formula: create an account here, then search the name "Biocidin Botanicials Biocidin LSF Lisposomal Formula" - https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/flussonutrients
6) Biocidin Botanicals GI Detox: create an account here, then search the name "Biocidin Botanicals GI Detox" - https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/flussonutrients
7) ALL PROFESSIONAL QUALITY SUPPLEMENTS: https://flussonutrients.nutridyn.com & https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/flussonutrients